A programme taught jointly by the Glasgow School of Art and the University of Glasgow, MLitt Curatorial Practice (Contemporary Art), is a unique, intensive, one-year postgraduate course that provides a stimulating framework for emerging curators to develop, situate and critically refine their own work.
Glasgow is viewed as one of the most vibrant art scenes worldwide and students benefit from working closely with artists and other organisations throughout the city, while at the same time forging connections further afield, and actively participating in international conversations. The programme oversees a wide range of curatorial activity, from residencies and support structures, writing-as-practice, self-organised and collaborative work, making use of digital platforms, and producing events ‘operating outwith the conventional sphere of presentation.’
To provide some consistency and cohesion across a broad range of material and subjects, a straightforward, typographically-led visual identity system was developed. The aim was to formalise something distinctive that would represent the course — a wordmark and ‘globe’ icon — while also providing a versatile visual framework, made up of a monochrome (or non-prescriptive) colour palette and a house type style that can be neutral or shout for attention when needed.